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Important Tips from a Voice Teacher for Your Young Caruso and Celine Dion


If there is a young singer in your family, you, dear parents, might require the additional information you should share with the future star who will undoubtedly conquer any audience soon.

So, today, continuing with the topic of musical education for parents, we shall discover how to take care of the fragile voice of your little genius with inputs from a voice teacher.

Firstly, voice is an instrument that is given to us by Nature. And as you know, for the instrument to sound beautiful, you and your child will have to work very hard. You have to learn how to play it, that is to sing.

Secondly, a voice teacher will tell you that vocal chords are also muscles but in our throat. As you know, in order for the muscles to be strong, they need training and special exercises. The same is the case with voice and for it to not only be strong but also flexible, the vocal cords require special training to develop these abilities.

And thirdly, there are special rules for children-vocalists, which young singers and first of all their parents should know as two by two.

What are the recommendations from a voice teacher for dads and moms who have singing children, that is those children who take voice lessons, vocal ensembles and choirs?

Such special talents need to be very careful about their health, and first of all, it is necessary to strain the voice as little as possible in everyday life. This especially concerns active games during which, having lost control and having forgotten about danger, children like to shout and girls even squeal, which is absolutely not allowed! It is you, dear parents, who have to be on guard to protect the voice of your talented child during moments like these!

You probably already know or seen a voice teacher tell a student that before rehearsals and performances it is necessary to warm up vocal chords – to sing a few (or a lot) special exercises.

It is done so that the voice becomes more flexible, pliable and its owner can manipulate it well. If you do not understand anything of it and the child's voice needs to be in a working condition, do not despair – just ask the kid to sing a few of his favourite songs for you. Sometimes children do not wish to do it or simply are not in the mood to do so; in that case, here’s a simple trick a voice teacher employs to simplify the task:

When you and the child do not have enough time for singing before a lesson or if voice training is done in the morning, simply start talking to him about something he is interested in. And remember, your questions should stimulate the child to speak endlessly.

Why do you need to do it? Because during active conversation the human voice wakes up. Yes, it's right! The voice needs to wake up just like the rest of the body!

And here's perhaps one of the most important things a voice teacher will tell you in order to protect a child's voice: the actively singing child, especially the one who shows great results in this art, has to see a special doctor – the phoniatrist – every half-a-year. And as he gets close to puberty – every three months. You can compare it to opening a bank account; you always have to be aware of what's happening with your finances. Having seen figures, you know exactly what resources you possess at the moment; when can you afford spending a little bit more than usual and when you need to tighten your belt...

This is definitely not a full list of instructions and advice to the future singer.


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