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Many parents know and even heard about the benefits of music education for children. According to statistics, only 6% of all children are learning to play musical instruments. Why is it that in spite of knowing about the benefits of music education for children, other parents find excuses and do not want to teach their children this beautiful art?
The answer is obvious: many mothers and fathers feel that music education for children is too complex. Firstly, it may be because they themselves do not understand anything about musical notation or secondly, they may have had bad experiences in childhood during their music studies. The memories of how they or their siblings were violently forced to practice their instrument for several hours every day may be imprinted in their minds.
In general, there are many reasons why parents do not want to teach their children music. But the main one is that parents are afraid to invest in music education for children because many students leave the training in the first 1.5 – 3 years. Once the training program becomes more complex and requires more attention, children start becoming lazy and soon they lose interest in studying.
But I can assure you that the complexity of the curriculum here is nothing of concern. So why is studying music so hard for kids? One reason is the wrong choice of instrument. Very often parents, instead of children, decide which instrument to chose.
One friend of mine once told me that she always wanted to learn to play the piano, and her parents instead bought her a violin. The girl had to carry the musical instrument to school and back. She remembered how she had severe pain in the hands during the lessons, home exercises, and especially when she was carrying the violin to and from school.
On my question if she remembered the reason why her parents decided that the violin was better than the piano, she replied: “Of course I remember! Big role played by the cost of the instrument and training. While the piano was for $250, the violin was only for $20. Tuition for piano in school was $22.5 per month, and for the violin $7.5 per month.” This math dashed the little girl’s desire to learn the piano.
Although this case occurred more than 40 years ago, it is still very relevant today, because I often see that parents make their own choices on instrument, without asking the child.
At the beginning of music education for children, parents need to be sure what they want their child to get from the school. Not knowing the goal is a doom for failure. The most important point is: parents need to know the criteria on which they must choose a music teacher. I note that listening to “good” recommendations from friends does not always work. If the teacher says that your child is becoming lazy, it’s your choice of teacher that went wrong!
Children are the most creative individuals who also require constant inspiration. No inspiration – no interest. No interest – the end of their studies.