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Elementary Music Education

Elementary Music Education for Parents

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Music Education Books for Moms

Secrets of parenting with love and logic, as well as a strong desire to help a daughter to get a musical education - that's what the main heroine learns of all the secrets of a child's interest in playing a musical instrument and never lose. These are the real stories that happen in our life, when parents decide to give their children music lessons. This book gives you some pedagogical techniques, tells you how to better understand your child and help him become a success in the magical world of music. The book is recommended as a solid tool to all parents and young music teachers.

Secrets of Parenting with Love and Logic


The Ultimate Guide for Parents

By Tatiana Bandurina

Would you like to learn some music education tricks to help your gifted children be more engaged in their music lessons? Discover the real reasons which allow your child to be lazier and solve the problems fast and easy.

Available for Immediate Download on Amazon.com

Music Education Books for Moms: Crown and Laurels for Your Musically Talented Child

Here you will find quite a simple and amazing plan to arouse the desire of your child to organize his solo concert at home. The plan consists of five steps to help your child climb up the ladder of intellectual development.

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$ 14.95

Crown and Laurels for Your Musically Talented Child

How to Combat Laziness in Your Musically Talented Child

Music Education Tricks for Gifted Children

By Tatiana Bandurina

Five Hypnotic Steps to Help Your Child Feel Significant while He Plays a Musical Instrument at Home

By Tatiana Bandurina

Music Education Books for Moms: Which Instrument Will You Choose the Little One?

If after a few weeks or months from the start of your child’s music lessons you find that the choice of his musical instrument was not correct, there is a big risk that sooner or later he will give up studying. Helping your child choose a musical instrument that he will love for a lifetime is critically important. If you succeed in this, your child’s learning process will ease by 50%. The secret to finding your child’s favourite musical instrument – you'll find in this book.

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$ 19.95

Which Instrument Will You Choose the Little One?

Music Education Books for Moms: Rare Secrets about Musically Gifted and Lazy Children

If after several months or even years of training your musically gifted child shows laziness towards music lessons, there is a strong reason to this, which is often not seen immediately. Do not look for it among his friends or his new hobbies. The real reason is much closer than you think. This book will help you discover the true cause of laziness, and then you will be able to return the child his interest and love for music.

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$ 17.95

Rare Secrets about Musically Gifted and Lazy Children

The Powerful Solutions for Parents

By Tatiana Bandurina

Coming Soon

Professional Advices for Parents and Music Teachers

By Helen Markov

Music Education Books for Moms: Before You Start Music Education of Your Child

Get rid of the fear of the unknown before your child starts taking music lessons. This book will help you how. Here you will find 27 living lessons which will definitely benefit you and your child to make his musical training easy and enjoyable. This book is recommended for both: the parents who do not have a musical education and the more experienced parents as well.

Available for Immediate Download from

$ 29.95

Before You Start Music Education of Your Child

27 Real-Life Lessons Every Parent and Music Teacher Should Know

By Tatiana Bandurina

Music Education Books for Moms:

Music Education Books for Moms:

Music Education Books for Moms:

Music Education Books for Moms:

Music Education Books for Moms:

Coming Soon

Coming Soon



