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Music Teacher Resources for Keeping Children’s Interest

Ninety-five percent of music teachers are almost always looking for the answer to the question of how to maintain the initial interest of the child in music lessons. I have four answers to this very important issue.

Answer number one: Look for interesting information, always try to be first with new techniques, games – use the new music teacher resources.

Answer number two: I believe that you have to rely on the most important music teacher resources – the parents of your music students. No approach, no matter how new or unique it is, will work if you use it to replace the active participation of parents in the learning process.

Very often I hear complaints from private music teachers about how parents of the students do not want to invest money for additional sessions, participation in contests, and even for taking exams! They attribute it to their low income. I do not mean to say that they are lying, but I also know that man always finds the time and money for what he needs.

What does this mean? This suggests that your major music teacher resources do not understand the need for expanding the musical horizons of their own child! First ask yourself: Do all the parents of your students know of the benefits of music education? Of course, you will not be able to explain and convince the mothers and fathers about all the benefits in just one or two conversations. You must do it gently and effectively after each lesson.

And most important: your main music teacher resources must understand the purpose of all learning. Very few moms and dads have the goal of making their child a famous musician, but who doesn’t want their child to raise his or her IQ! How to make the parents understand? It's easy!

- Link a theme or a particular technique in a particular piece to each of your lessons and explain how it will improve the ability of the student.

- Tell it to parents in the presence of the student.

- Do this as often as you can. The more often you do it, the higher and stronger are the chances of you and your student’s success.

If you never use much music teacher resources, most likely the children will get bored with the lessons, and soon they’ll lose interest in music.

Answer number three: One of your easiest resources is the art of reincarnation. Lose the years and become the same age as your students! Try to explain to them the material or technique not as a teacher but as a classmate. Try to explain in such a manner that not only do the students understand what you are explaining but they also can repeat and explain the same thing to you, to their parents, and above all to their own classmates.


If you succeed, think as if you did aerobatics and your students will love you more and more with each new lesson.

Answer Number Four: One of the most effective music teacher resources is children's imagination. Your students are creative personalities. The easiest way to find the key to their interests is – their own imagination. Involve them in different roles in plays and activities to help awaken their imagination. When the students start discovering their interests through your help, they will look forward to meeting with you every single time.



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