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Study of Music in Babyhood?

ear for music. For those who feel that they can’t sing but still want their child to have musical talent and take up study of music later, experts recommend that these future mothers do not sing, but instead listen to beautiful music and as often as possible.

Right after the birth of the child, young parents can begin his study of music by means of simple things, such as playing cheerful or march tunes when playing with the baby. You can also help him by doing exercises or elementary movements for an additional benefit. You will also notice right away that your baby likes these “new” gymnastics!

And in general, make sure that you play pleasant music in your house. Draw your child’s attention to it by taking him in your hands and dancing to the sounds and rhythm of tango, waltz, march, and so on. If you are not familiar with the genres and styles of music and have no study of music yourself, simply indulge and closely listen to it – music will prompt your movements naturally.

Moreover, by playing music in the house, parents can affect their child’s behaviour and even his temper. If your child is too hyper or very mobile and you want to calm him down, you can play quiet classical music, which will gradually calm him. Conversely, slow children will become more active while listening to more energetic, cheerful tunes.

Thus, by using classical music and your favourite songs, you can magically direct your son’s or daughter’s emotions.

In order for your child to accumulate the “musical images” that will play a major role in his study of music, play music with the sounds of nature, such as birds singing, the murmur of streams, sounds of waves, waterfalls, dolphins, etc. If you play this type of music for your baby from just ten to fifteen minutes each day, you will influence his music abilities and his seriousness for the study of music very positively. One day you’ll see the results: Your child’s movements will become more rhythmical, and he will try to repeat some musical sounds and tunes. The future of your child is in your hands!

I must also mention that you should have a lot of toys that make sounds – the baby will never lose interest in them, and competent parents can hide them from the child from time to time in order to give him the pleasure of playing with them again.

When your baby becomes a toddler, let him listen to nursery rhymes and children’s songs whether you are on the road in the car or around the house. After listening to new songs a few times, try to sing one of them, either with words or without. What was your toddler’s reaction? Did he look at you? Did he smile? Excellent! It means he recognized the tune! And it shows that he has a good musical memory and that you were the one who started to develop his interest in the study of music at an early age. Again, for those parents who feel they do not have an ear for music, never sing (or hum) in your child’s presence even if you would very much like to do it! Also, do not trust those who tell you that having “no ear for music” is genetic. This topic will be discussed in my next articles.


Parents Website 9

Did you just have a child? Congratulations! I myself have experienced this remarkable and incomparable feeling four times.

If you, young parents, have learned the advantage of music education and decided to send your child to music school in the future, that’s great! But if you want to wait until your son or daughter grows up a little, I must disappoint you by telling you that you are already late! When should study of music start? The answer is – even before the baby is born!

You can find a great deal of helpful information about the fact that our children hear all sounds perfectly well while still in the womb and recognize them after birth!

That is why it is recommended that all pregnant women listen to classical music and sing, especially if they have an

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