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One of the most important issues in musical education of your child is choice of education method. In my experience I quite often encountered parents that didn’t even think of how they would want their talented child to learn music. As a rule, they would rely entire on their own thoughts and ideas about education or follow the recommendations of other people.
What should you choose: private music lessons or music school?
I am not going to try your patience and say that both methods are all right and each one has own good points.
In order to answer this question you have to turn to your personal goals and plans regarding the musical education of your child. I have covered the subject of setting such goals in one of my previous articles.
Regardless of your choice (public or private music lessons) the main task is choosing the teacher. In a music school your choice is limited. And you will be forced not to look for the teacher but to pick from the set number of teaching staff members. Moreover, you will not even be choosing; you’ll be recommended one of them, and in many schools the children are assigned to a specific teacher that has open spots.
Let’s have a look at the advantages of private music lessons. In case with a private teacher you are free to make your own choice and not be limited to the area you live in.
Place of study. If your child goes to a music school, the lessons will take place only on school’s premises. With the private tutor you may choose the time and place that is most convenient to you. Many parents prefer the teacher coming over to their place of residence. It seems to be convenient and the child is more comfortable in the familiar environment.
This is especially true in cases where the child plays large musical instruments like piano, harp or even cello. The child is used to the instrument he has at home. He is familiar with its features and can produce the correct sounds that are required of him. Private music lessons are good for children who are shy and for those who do not adapt to the social changes well.
Scheduling. Scheduling is much more flexible with a private teacher than in a music school. The rates you are paying to the teacher give you the right to choose the time that is convenient for you and your child.
Theory studies. Every person studying to play a musical instrument must learn theoretical subjects. The bare minimum to learn in the beginning would be elementary music theory. If I were to compare it to a subject in a public school, it would be math. It is impossible to become a musician without it.
A private tutor may offer you the elementary music theory lessons and include them in the services. Thus with private music lessons you can save on the theory lessons that are not cheap at the early stage of education. But in the future when the elementary music theory lessons will change to the harmony, I recommend you hire a teacher that specializes in it.
And finally, the biggest advantage of taking private music lessons is a flexible approach towards the musical education. All children have different levels of musical abilities because they are raised in different musical environments. The music school has a set and defined program including the deadlines for completing specific tasks and projects. The tutor, on the other hand, will adapt the program to the capabilities and needs of your child and will help him progress at his own speed.
In addition to that, the private teacher always listens to the specific wishes of the parents and children. After all it is his main job to please the clients and make the lessons interesting and creative.
Just remember that the good musical abilities of your child will help him progress faster and with ease regardless of whether he goes to the music school or takes private music lessons. It is much simpler to find a teacher for a musically inclined student because any teacher will choose him over the less capable ones. Thus prominent musical skills will increase his chances of having a high level professional that others can only dream about.