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As we continue our conversation on the advantages that a “musical child” has over other children, I want to make sure you understand that music schools and private teachers do not have it in their agendas to make a great musician out of every student!
Have you ever talked to people who have completed only half of their music education? If not, then I recommend you do. Certainly, they had some difficulties in training, because studying is hard work! But I bet you’ll hear them say that they regret quitting. Later in life, people understand that the kind of push they received in their emotional and intellectual development was due to musical training in their childhood.
I talked to many adults who had taken music lessons as children. Some told me amazing
stories about how being a musical child helped them improve their memory (and not
only musical). Others noticed that their spoken language became richer, and their
voice more expressive. I’ve also met people who use their once-
A musical child can better and more expressively recite poems than other children. Many musical children grow up to be fine actors.
Also, very few people know that the most successful among those who are multilingual
used to play musical instruments in childhood! And, the longer their training was
as a musical child, the better their grip on foreign language speaking and comprehension
as an adult! Ninety-
Also, it is obvious that playing music makes the hands – and especially the fingers – of painters or artists quite skilful and capable. Having listed the advantages of music education, I’d like to add that any former musical child, even if he did not become a professional musician on growing up, regards his work with more responsibility and professionalism. Such people are pleasant to talk with because they love people. Due to their specially developed ear for music, “musical” people understand their relatives and children better. The majority of them are happily married, and they choose jobs that have to do with communicating and working with people. There are many teachers, doctors, personnel managers, lawyers, bank clerks, counsellors, as well as translators, journalists, etc., among them.
Now, dear parents, hopefully I have dispelled all your doubts about making your child a “musical child” and answered the question as to “Why I want my child to get music education.”
Yet having made such a serious and responsible decision, I am sure that many of you still have some doubts and questions. And those of you whose children have already begun training will come across certain issues and require assistance and guidance in resolving them from time to time.
Drawing from my own experience, I have noticed that while preparing children for music lessons, parents do not always use the recommended literature, which, unfortunately, is really hard to come by. Sometimes the reason teachers ignore such books is quite simple: they are written in “dry” and complex language not intended for easy reading and understanding.