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Having a Musical Child Is not in the Genes


someone in our family who was musically inclined and could sing or play!” But your child grows up without even looking at musical instruments. “I knew it wouldn’t happen”, you’d say, “It is just my luck!”

Meanwhile the media and press have more and more pieces of information to share on the advantages of musical education, on the fact that it helps children develop better and faster, and that a musical child has, on an average, 40% more IQ!

So what is happening with you and your child?

It might come as a surprise to some of you to know that every newborn baby without any physical hearing impediments can become a musical child, great singer, composer or music player. By ‘hearing impediments’ I mean inborn deafness.

Some of you will exclaim: “How can I make my child a singer? I do not understand anything in musical education! I don't even have an ear for music!”

Relax! These are the things you do not need to have at your disposal immediately. You'll learn them gradually. It is enough for you to create a “musical atmosphere” for your child.

What is it and how can it be done?

To create that you will need any music that you personally like. It can be your favourite music radio station, TV channel, CD, live concert or performance. Start listening to it from the moment you find out that you are expecting. Then, when he is born, surround him with toys that make music or sounds. Your main goal is to expose your child to good quality music and turn him into a musical child. He has to hear it at home and in the car every day!

The longer and more often your child is surrounded by the sounds of music (especially classical), the faster he absorbs and accumulates musical and auditory impressions that at some point will turn into special musical abilities, such as vocal reproduction of the heard pieces, sense of rhythm and musical memory.

Have you ever seen a newborn who'd have said: “Hi everyone! I am born!” Of course not. He will start talking in due time, but first will make distinct sounds, then syllables, and only then words. Later the child will start putting two-three words together and finally will utter full sentences. The same thing happens with your child's musical ear!

Don't believe the tales that a musical child has got his music talent through heredity. And if someone is trying to prove that it is, he is basically saying that the only reason your child speaks is because this ability is “inherited”. In other words, if your child is born without physical hearing impediment, he can grow up to become a wonderful musician, even if you can't sing two lines of your favourite song.

And one more thing: If yours or any of your family members' musical ear is not fully developed — meaning you repeat the tune off-key — never sing in your child's presence! And I mean — never!


Parents Website

A large number of people complain that they are “music deaf” and almost all of them think that they inherited it from their parents because nobody in the family had any music talent. They are partially right, but only partially.

So, you really want to sing but cannot do so. Actually, you sing but you try to do it softly and without anyone present. Somewhere deep inside, you think that you are a musical child and secretly hope that one day you'll be able to find time and a person who will teach you how to sing. But weeks, months, and years go by and your dream remains unfulfilled.

Finally, you have a baby and think: “Maybe he will be a musical child and have a great talent for music. There must have been

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