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Every respectful educational institution tries to create and maintain a good reputation; therefore, when hiring a new teacher, the director always checks his references even before the interview, and tries to learn about the level of his professionalism.
Besides, there’s always an unspoken competition among staff teachers. Teachers discuss current issues, problems of training and methods of music education while having a cup of coffee and during lunch hour in teachers’ rooms every day. There are always discussions about each student’s progress after the regular academic concert, test or examination. The enthusiasm and conscientious attitudes of the leading staff teachers give hope to the weaker ones. Thus, by exchanging opinions, music teachers receive important information on working with children, and the result of their work, the performance of their students, will be seen by the staff teachers. Therefore, every music teacher should earn a good reputation in several areas: how to handle student’s parents, the principal, and their colleagues.
When comes down to professionalism and tutoring methods in music education, there is also competition among private teachers. But these kinds of meetings occur less often than at music schools.
Many parents think that all their child has to do is take a few lessons. But this is only correct if they expect their child to take lessons for no more than four to five years.
Where do parents get the idea that the lessons will be more useful and efficient with a private teacher? First, it shows their lack of information and their unfamiliarity with the huge advantages a music education can offer the child. Also, as I mentioned in an earlier article, a child’s IQ will rise only if he takes several musical subjects.
And each of these subjects is taught by an expert in the given area, which is very important!
When considering the basic components of children’s music education, we must pay
attention to a student’s environment. It is a well-
Usually after age 12, children begin to dream about their life goals, but they also overestimate themselves, and if they don’t find the understanding they are seeking, they will start rebelling against music lessons. Long and tiresome lectures, incentives, and even threats do not work. And parents give up after these tiresome struggles.
What can you do, then? How can you maintain child’s interest in music education at this age?