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Your Future Mozart's Diligent Interest in Music and learning – Where Does It Come from? And Where Does It Disappear to?


Both parents and music teachers often complain about the child's laziness. How can it be that their talented child who was once curious about music and learning has now turned lazy? In fact until recently everything was so different. How do you instil diligence in musical children?

If I were to list all the reasons due to which children tend to get lazy at music lessons, and how to fight it, I'd have to write a book on this subject alone. And I am actually planning on doing so in the nearest future. For now let's have a look at the most widespread examples from which I hope you, dear parents, will learn. In fact due to the articles on musical education of children, you improve your musical education as parents and actively help your child develop music and learning abilities. It is your duty and the right to know what, where and when things happen to your child.

When the first signals about your child's laziness come through from the music teacher or you start noticing that he is no longer eager to play the instrument like he used to be prior to the beginning of the education or after the first lessons, you need to know that either you or the teacher has made at least one psychological mistake in working with a new musician.

Never accuse the child of laziness and do not allow his music teacher do it! Did you hear me? Never, ever! Children, by the nature, seldom happen to be lazy. And we, adults, get tired of their irrepressible physical activity and curious minds. They want to know it all and love to study. Both you and the music teacher have to simply direct these desires and energy to the right channel in order to rekindle his music and learning passion.

In order to make this happen, your age and that of the teacher should be morally as close as possible to the age of your child. Without it you won't be able to connect with him, and connecting is so important in the music and learning education process! Don’t be embarrassed to lower yourself down to children's mentality and experience the happy carefree childhood where everything can be easily and quickly solved. And now that you can relate, use all your life experience and teach the child to work in a way that would be interesting to him.

Pay attention to the phrase “teach to work”. Very often, children with good music and learning abilities are caught in a web of "laziness" because their first lessons come naturally and easily to them, practically without an effort. He has come, has seen, has remembered and has repeated. Everyone praises him because he is talented!

Due to his musicality and good memory, such a genius can ride out two-three years easily, and what's more dangerous, he gets used to getting things the easy way. And then, when the curriculum becomes more complex, the child will be accused of insufficient diligence or lack of commitment for music and learning, and people will cease to praise him and even call him lazy. But to tell you the truth, he's never been taught how to work. And if the child is not capable of working, it means he does not get any satisfaction from his own work, and hence loses interest.

Whose fault is it? Is it really the child's? Who made him lazy? There was someone who at some point made him interested in music and learning how to play a musical instrument! The desire to study does not come "by itself" or "out of the blue". There's always something or someone that influences the child.

Here we come to the most important issue: the inadequate psychological approach of the music teacher towards the child, inability to teach him to work independently, and withholding praise – these are the most common reasons for the child's laziness in passionately pursuing music and learning new skills. And you, as parents, have to know this before you start looking for the first music teacher. Absence of this knowledge often leads to irreversible consequences. For this reason, dear moms and dads, I recommend you to read more on the subject of musical education for parents.


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