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What Are the Advantages of Going to the Kids Music School?

So a music school that has a staff of more than 20 teachers is a pretty serious educational establishment. Generally you can find a number of music instructors who teach different subjects. The selection process of the teachers is quite thorough. Indeed, it is the school’s reputation that will suffer otherwise.  

The kids music school year starts with the scheduling of group activities such as choir, ensemble, and orchestra as well as lessons in history and music theory, harmony. And only then the teachers start filling in the individual lessons schedule.

Sometimes in order to attend all the planned lessons a child has to come to school almost every day. On one hand it can be inconvenient, especially for parents, and on the other hand frequent attendance gives your child an often invisible positive boost and rouses your child’s desire to play music.

At the kids music school, he meets new people, makes friends with children of different ages. Every day he learns about other children’s interests. And if you, dear parents, are serious about your child’s musical education, you have to know: it is his friends that are the additional invaluable source of energy and inspiration in learning.

There are many excellent private teachers. But regardless of the possessed professionalism, a single teacher cannot substitute or even imitate the idea of choir, ensemble, and orchestra. The best thing he can do is play a duet with a student. Duet is great but it does not give the child a chance to participate in an orchestra or a choir.  It is group activity available at a kids music school that develops your child’s harmonic ear (particularly when he plays or sings secondary parts). The presence of harmonic ear helps a young musician avoid many problems during the performance of all pieces in his program. He simply hears what he plays differently!

Also, the music groups in the kids music school stimulate the development of the sense of rhythm and tempo. The student can also use additional instruments such as metronome, but this mechanical device kills all emotions and ability to express the music he plays; it makes the sounding of it automatic. Therefore it is only recommended for senior students when they have to master the complicated technique. Of course all music teachers have studied music theory during their university years and many of them understand the concept very well. One of the huge pros of attending a kids music school is the fact that all theoretical subjects are taught by the specialists and it is very important!

For example, let’s take a math teacher from a public school. Regardless of the fact that he can read and write, he won’t be able to teach other subjects like astronomy or anatomy to the children.

And this is exactly what is happening with the lessons in harmony and music theory and history. All I am saying is that a piano teacher knows how to teach a child to play piano, a violinist – teach violin, a guitarist – teach guitar. And if a private instructor offers you a number of subjects to choose from (e.g. voice, theory, piano and guitar), or even two subjects, you have to realize that he’s only qualified to teach one special subject.  

If you want any proof, all you have to do is ask your tutor to show you his Diploma. Here in Canada you tend to trust people just by taking their word for it. It is great but when it comes down to educating your child, parents must beware especially if you are aiming for outstanding results. But if you are fine with a linguist teaching chemistry, it is your choice after all.

Today I have listed only a fraction of advantages you receive by sending your child to a specialized kids music school. In the articles to follow I shall try to touch on the subject more.


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Last time we discussed the advantages of having a private teacher. Now it is time we looked at the pros of the kids music school education where in addition to having individual lessons there are things such as choir, ensemble, and orchestra.

The person who is the head of the school generally possesses strong organizational skills. It is a musician that is capable of not only finding good instructors but also organizing the entire process of musical education.

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