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When Should Your Child Start Going to Kids Music Classes?


Many parents wonder what age is optimal for a child to commence musical education in kids music classes. Some think the child should start almost immediately after he is born. Some don't want to deprive the child of his childhood and try not to overload him with extracurricular activities. There are also other opinions.

Who is right? And how can we find an optimal solution?

Anyone these days can find a bunch of ideas, examples and suggestions on the Internet about early childhood education with the help of music. Yes, in a magical way music impacts the brain of both adults and children. This is an indisputable fact that has been scientifically proven. If some of you, dear parents, do not know about the advantages of musical education for children either at kids music classes or at home, I would strongly recommend you find the necessary literature and read it. I am sure you'll be pleasantly surprised to find out what abilities your child might acquire should he choose to become a music student. And he does not need to become a great pianist, guitarist or a flute player. It would be enough for him to go to kids music classes...

Let's assume you already know the advantages of musical education. When should you start then? At what age?

My answer to this question would be: your child can start taking music lessons or go to kids music classes when and once he is ready for them himself. And by that I mean he will be ready to be engaged in a program of musical education that has specific standards. Of course there are tons of preschool programs and centres for babies and it is great. But what kind of children should attend them?

In order for a child to display any music talent, he has to be submerged into a music environment and the sooner the better. These conditions are necessary so that he accumulates a database of musical impressions.

If you, dear parents, cannot create the much needed environment or don't know how to do it, it is time you went to the nearest kids music classes or centre of early childhood education that offers music lessons. Specialists that work there are very knowledgeable. They are very creative and have a great deal of learning material.

If you do not have 10-15 minutes a day to help your child develop music abilities, you may also want to take advantage of what the educational centre offers.

But you have to remember that going to kids music classes two or three times a week is good but it won't change the situation much. Why? Imagine that your child hears human speech once or twice a week for 20-30 minutes... What are the chances he starts talking, you think? The same goes for his musical abilities! The child has to listen to the music daily and parents have to do a number of simple things they should have some idea about. The database of music sound impressions will gradually increase. At first he'll try to make odd music sounds, and then will be able to sing a couple of lines from a song he knows that will be very close to the original.

If you have a good ear for music, don't judge your child's first vocal attempts too harshly; he is just starting to sing and apply the things he learnt in the kids music classes! After all you don't seem to fret when he utters his first words and sentences improperly!

A child's musical talent can be compared to a small sprout that emerges from a seed and takes the first look at the sun having come through the soil. Give him more care, warmth, water, and protect him from the wind and burning sun; that is keep developing and enriching his database of musical sounds, and stimulate and encourage any music initiative your child might display. There will be a day when your plant will blossom. You will see with what ease and pleasure your child will sing and dance once he hears the music...

Beware! Don't rush and don't force him to attend kids music classes if he doesn’t want to! He is not ready yet! You know that the blossoms or green fruit is not ready for consumption. Wait till the child is ready, meaning your son or daughter will ask you or tell you themselves that they want to learn how to play a musical instrument.

Now it is time for you to act. The child's wish needs an immediate response. Give him what he wants at the proper time!

At what age do children get a passionate desire to learn how to play musical instruments and play in a group at the kids music classes?

It is hard to answer this question because it depends on the learning conditions you create for your child to develop his musical abilities. But I can tell you one thing for sure: the better your child's musical abilities (and they depend only on you!), the better his results at school, college, university, and life in general.

Some parents ask: “What will happen if for some reason or circumstances we are forced to postpone the music lessons or sending him to kids music classes even when the child is ready?”

  To answer that, let's turn to the image of a ripe fruit on your plant. If you don't pick it at the right time and don't use it, it will fall to the ground and... go to waste...


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