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I’d like to confirm some parents’ fears on one thing in particular: Many a music teacher do not like to waste their time on children with “hidden” talents; that is, with those whose musical abilities are not obvious. They prefer to tutor children who can do everything with ease. Why burden oneself with additional work? It is easier for such teachers to simply say “no.” But there are exceptions to the rule: a music teacher who is a true professional will take on your child with pleasure.
So, if your child adores music, tries to sing a song, but is not able to reproduce the exact pitch with his voice, this speaks of the absence of hearing and voice coordination, which can be worked out by a music teacher. It is almost like when the muscles of your arms and legs are weak, but as soon as you start doing the right exercises, you strengthen and tone them!
After only two to three years of working with such children, they start singing like nightingales. Trust me. I worked with children like that and taught solfeggio and the elementary theory of music to them. If a music teacher who’s competent in his art works with a child or an adult persistently and on regular basis, he can help develop and expand the range and pitch of the voice immensely.
Many of you will be surprised to find out that “tone-
Remember: All physically healthy children have an ear for music. The only difference is that it is more developed in some than in others. As for the phrase “physically healthy,” it means that after birth, the child has not been found deaf and had no physiological abnormalities of the throat.
In one of my articles about the advantages of music education, I described in great detail the influence of voice training on the health of children. Actually, I often used to see and work with children who suffered from a trauma or defect of the hearing organ. These problems can derive from infections that children contract at different ages. If untreated, such infections can have often very serious complications in the future, causing reduction of hearing. And, as is obvious, the acuity of hearing is an absolute must for the musician and especially the singer! So, dear parents, protect your children’s ears!
Now that you have defined the reason your child or someone from your family sings
In addition to everything said above, I as a music teacher and director of a music institute would like to stress and repeat: It is very harmful for people with disrupted hearing and voice coordination to sing for or in front of children! Your children learn everything firsthand from you, their parents. They do not what they are told, but what they see and hear. Listen to and look closely at the child – he speaks with your intonation and your words. He adopts your good and bad habits without words, and it is exactly for this reason that he will also sing just as well or just as poorly as you do!